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2020-03-20 20:17

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Basic Algorithmic trading course – take the first step into the professional trading My name is Petko Aleksandrov, and I am the Head Mentor at EA Forex Academy. I have already created many algorithmic trading courses for the Forex and Cryptocurrency market. We have received many requests for a basic algorithmic trading course, and I have decided to satisfy this desire. The course is structured in steps that a beginner trader can follow and carefully step into the algorithmic trading. Please, be advised that trading on the Financial market is risky and professional education is a must in order to avoid substantial losses.
Álbum de mercado
VIP practitioner
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Mauricio | 2020-03-20 20:17
Basic Algorithmic trading course – take the first step into the professional trading My name is Petko Aleksandrov, and I am the Head Mentor at EA Forex Academy. I have already created many algorithmic trading courses for the Forex and Cryptocurrency market. We have received many requests for a basic algorithmic trading course, and I have decided to satisfy this desire. The course is structured in steps that a beginner trader can follow and carefully step into the algorithmic trading. Please, be advised that trading on the Financial market is risky and professional education is a must in order to avoid substantial losses.
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